Fun visitors and visits.

More Harley!

Harley and Cody left.  Right - Scooter says' "That rotten puppy keeps getting in my face!"

Horses on the mind!

We drove back over to Lockwood, Missouri Sunday the 16th to visit Bob and Rita Bell.  They had a couple of nice geldings Ben wanted to look at.

They are very knowledgeable horse folks.  Leslie learned quite a bit about paints and their breeding.  They have some really good old Quarter horse lines.  Their one good buckskin QH stallion is old King, Wimpy and Poco lines.  The one gelding Ben looked at was a Poco Pine.

"Hello to ewe" says a Katadhin ewe.  (If that's spelled wrong, don't quote us :>))

Below left - Ben looking at the Poco Pine bred gelding.

Right Rita, Bob and Ben talking horse.

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