Old friends and new friends.

Mark Kirkus,

Molino, Florida

Thursday, April 17th was an exciting day.  Mark Kirkus and his friend Bonnie stopped by on their way back from NE Kansas where Mark runs cattle in addition to a herd in Florida. Bonnie has a penchant for antiques as there was evidence of a couple of great finds in the back of their pickup and rides cutting horses.

Mark's been using dogs for many years.  He first contacted the Kelpie Registry back in the early 90's just after it started up.

The visit was too short. Though we've known Mark a long time, it was actually our first face to face meeting.  Ben worked his outside dogs, Leslie got to work Keeper while Ben worked his Kate and Slingshot.  We had a pleasant evening meal at the Hitchin' Post in Welch before Mark and Bonnie had to head on down the road.

Ronnie Yates

Kevil, Kentucky

Ronnie got an early start this morning about 5:30 AM and arrived here right around noon.  He said it was just over 396 miles.

He brought Ben his "Jazz" dog to work.  Ronnie, in addition to his own cows, custom gathers other peoples cattle.  We had a great visit with Ronnie, it was just too short.  He turned around early evening and headed back out to Kentucky.

Can you guess which one was the

semi-pro basketball player??!!

Top left, Ben's Kate brings in the training calves.

Lower left, Ronnie's Jazz working with Ben.

Busy week.

Stony Humble of Bluejacket and his wife Betsy have a landscaping business.  They got all the flower beds in order and the first lawn mowing.  We guess this means spring is officially here!

Ben's Kate helping him put a couple calves back over the fence the same way they got into the back side of the yard!  Kate in her barrel ever ready to go.

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