Stock Dogs Training Videos, Book, Perfect Stock Dog Training Program with Ben Means, Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Ducks

End of March 2006.  Deputy Sheriff Jody Kreitz, Cozad, NE picks up Kate, Allen Sanders, Bluejacket, OK, Ed Hamersley, Walker, MO, Laura and Trevor Stimatze, Macksville, KS, the Cow Dog Clinic at Stimatze's and Cowboy Junction Ranch Cutting.

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Left: Allen Sanders and Bear and Jody Kreitz drove down from Nebraska to pick up Bear's half sister Kate. Jody, a Deputy Sheriff, turned it right around to beat the snow storm home. Kate settled in like a "trooper."

Leslie's bragging on Banjo again.  Ben says he'll have style and lots of work but will be soft.

He's 5 months old in the pictures above.  He did turn em around and move em off.

Friend Ed Hamersley, Walker, MO stopped in with a couple dogs.  He successfully gathered some wild cows for the neighbors after they'd chased em a couple weeks on 4-wheelers and wanted to "help" when he was using the dogs.  Good thing it was still cool weather.  Above right, Laura Stimatze with her favorite fella, grandson, Trevor Stimatze from Colorado.  The camera Ben took to the clinic the end of March didn't work !  Some of the attendees said they'd send us photos to post.  They had a grrreat turn out - 50 - 60 people and limited it to 20 dogs.

Ben did get a picture of some of Joe and Laura Stimatze's dogs before the camera quit.

Ben working Jim Bailey's "Al" dog.

Winter's last fling didn't give Ben a moment's concern.  We kept real toasty with the wood burning stove.  He did get his exercise keeping the fire going.  As you can see he laid in a good supply of wood.

Leslie rode Chic down to the neighbor's to the Cowboy Junction Ranch Cutting the weekend Ben was in Kansas.  As you'll see, there was fun for the whole family.

The last lamb arrived while Ben was in Kansas.  The older lamb checks out the competition.  A nice ram lamb already on his feet lookin' for dinner before he's 10 minutes old.

Banjo (left) and Colt out for a run.

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